TRIO in the News!
TRIO in the News!
Here are some links to newspaper articles and media spots about TRIO and transplant awareness!
Debunking Myths About Organ Donation
AHA News: Since Her Heart Transplant, She Treats Every Day Like a Birthday
Cool Storage Could Keep Lungs Ready for Transplant Longer
Advocate for transplant programs has goal of building house
Belton to be first stop on bike tour
New Baylor Scott & White RV to help transplant families
TRIO Central Texas works to improve quality of life for transplant candidates
Our Giving Tree
We are so excited about the installation of our beautiful donor recognition tree!!
We Have Company!!
After consultation with the transplant department at Baylor Scott and White Medical Center…
Nearing the Finish Line
Nothing says progress on a construction site better than walking in, to find the air-conditioning working and the fans twirling…
Plumbers at Work!
With 9 bathrooms, a large kitchen, and a multi-machine laundry, our plumbing crew has a big job ahead of them.
Road Trip to Nora’s Home
One of our first actions after the chapter was formed was to define goals for the group. Aside from promoting donor awareness, we learned there was a real need for temporary housing for patients and their caregivers who are awaiting a transplant or must be near the hospital for an extended time post-transplant…